Contact Us
MRI Control Room: (305) 348-2089
CIS Reception Area: (305) 348-3213
CIS MRI Location
PG5 Market Station
891 SW 109 Ave, Suite 130
Miami, FL 33199
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, or ABCD, is a nation-wide, longitudinal with over 21 sites across the country and over 11,000 participants enrolled. FIU is proud to be one of the 21 sites with a total enrollment of 600+ participants with a high Hispanic population. The study follows participants starting from ages 8 or 9 all the way up to 19 or 20 years old. The purpose of the ABCD study is to see how the brain develops overtime. My job as a research assistant is very rewarding, because I get to watch the participants grow up. The participants love getting their brain scanned and enjoy playing the money game inside the MRI machine. They receive a brand new ABCD t-shirt every MRI year and they most look forward to picking a prize at the end of their appointment.
Contact: Laura Ucros