Scheduling Scanner Time

Once submitted project requests are reviewed and approved, a project is permitted to proceed with the reservation of MR scan time. A single individual is designated as the Project Contact via the MRI Scan Time Request Form. All scan times are booked using the CIS web-based scheduling system, which can be viewed by all CIS Level 1 Users. The smallest booking increment is 30 minutes. Each reservation will list the MRI Study Code and the name of the Level 3 Operator.

Reservations are made via coordination between the Lead MR Technician and the Project Contact. There are two ways the Project Contact can request scan time: advance requests and as-needed requests.  Both types of requests are made within the CIS intranet portal.  Reservations require the following information: project title, PI contact information, IRB approval numbers and date, Project Contact (name, email, and phone), MRI Study Code, account number for billing, total time requested, number of sessions, duration of sessions, preferred dates, unavailable dates, and days/times requested for those sessions.


Advance Requests

On the 15th of each month, scan requests are due for the following monthly schedule. The Lead MR Technician will review all submitted scheduling requests, generate the MRI calendar for the following month, and push it to the CIS web-based calendar. A confirmation message will be sent to the Project Contact notifying them that the monthly schedule has been published.

As-Needed Requests

Once the monthly schedule is built by the Lead MR Technician, Level 1 Users will be able to view the calendar via the CIS website to identify available time slots. To make an as-needed request for scan time, the Project Contact will request an available time slot. The Lead MR Technician will review the request, approve the reservation, and post it to the CIS calendar. A confirmation message will be sent to the Project Contact notifying them of the request approval once the requested time is entered to the calendar.

If a Project Contact would like to swap a scanning session with another Project Contact, they may ask the Lead MR Technician to alter the schedule after obtaining consent from both parties.